With the financial support that NGTF was able to avail from Founders Pledge (London), we were able to give scholarships to 16 students from various caste and tribes of Nuwakot.
The following were the courses that ware chosen by the students namely arts and science, hotel management, IT and agriculture. We have been closely monitoring the result of these students every year and making sure that they pass out with flying colours and make NGTF and our donors proud.
Here are a few photos of the 2023 Scholarship programme:

Scholarship Program

Scholarship Program

Mrs Chris MC Diven
I have loved the the Himalayas, and the Nepalese people, for a very long time. When Tashi told me the appalling story of young girls being trafficked to India I knew something had to be done to stop it. My background is in education, and I have a strong belief in the power of education to change people’s lives, so when Tashi raised the suggestion of the Nepal Green Tara Foundation with me I was happy to do what ever I could to get the Foundation’s first school built. From this first school the Foundation has gone from strength to strength and has now educated hundreds of Nepalese children who are playing important roles within their own communities and beyond.

Helen Donnely Scholarship

How the distribution and monitoring of the funds works
Who are the beneficiaries ?
- Impoverished children with incomplete education;
- Children of the social "low caste" as defined by Hinduism;
- Talented children who secure above 80% in their school evaluation but seeking to enrol in better institutions;
- Abandoned or neglected by their parents;
- Conflict-affected children suffering from mental and physical trauma;
- Displaced or subjected to various atrocities during the armed conflict; or
- Working as forced child laborers.
Where your contribution goes:
How we nominate the
children for sponsorship:

Sponsorship Options:
Premium Sponsorship
Special Sponsorship

Regular Sponsorship